Piano Fake Book Amazon
piano fake book amazon
For piano, voice, guitar and all c instruments, this fake book includes melody, lyrics and chords. features two tables of contents: one by artist, and one alphabetical by song title. this classic rock fake book is an invaluable collection of over 250 of the best rock songs of all time, with nearly 70 songs added for this spectacular 2nd edition!. The ultimate fake book (for c instruments) [hal leonard corp.] on amazon.com. *free* shipping on qualifying offers. the ultimate fake book (for c instruments) scott the piano guy's favorite piano fake book scott houston. 4.3 out of 5 stars 166. paperback. $19.28.. Online shopping for books from a great selection of music, photography & video, performing arts, architecture, history & criticism, drawing & more at everyday low prices.. Don't get around much anymore | sheet music direct
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piano fake book amazon
The ultimate christmas fake book: for piano, vocal, guitar, electronic keyboard & all "c… by hal leonard corp. plastic comb cdn$29.76 only 6 left in stock (more on the way). ships from and sold by amazon.ca.. The music included in the piano guy's fake book are all absolute classics in those genres, all either in their original key of cmajor or transposed to cmajor for ease and fun of playing. the piano guy is big on improvising, the key to playing blues and jazz. so, unlike traditional fake books, he includes alternate chords, jazz and blues chords.
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